Monday, March 28, 2011

Vogue and the History/Origins of Fashion Magazines

The history and origins of fashion magazines goes back hundreds of years, the very first magazines where created for men by men. The very first female orientated magazine appeared just over 300 years ago in London called “Ladies Mercury”. It was founded by English publisher and journalist John Delton in 1693.

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In Delton’s first address to his readers, he openly declared that his magazine will respond to the most appealing and entertaining issues related to love, marriage, behaviors, fashion and women’s humor. It also featured the very first "questions and answers" column, where the reader would send a letter to the editor and discuss everyday problems.

Soon after magazines aimed at women took Europe by storm, with Germany releasing "Gournal des Luxus und des Moden", followed by Britain with "The Lady's Magazine" and "Gallery of Fashion" and France had as many as four fashion magazines. All of them included illustrated fashion plates depicting the latest’s fashions in great detail.

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But enough about the past let’s now talk about one fashion magazine that is considered a recent creation: Vogue. Vogue’s very first issue was released in 1892 (119 years ago), and was founded by Arthur Baldwin Turnure. Vogue started as a weekly publication for New York socialites but became a mass-market magazine over time. 

Vogue 1892
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Vogue 1900
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Monday, March 21, 2011

What is a Zine?

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A Zine (pronounce "Zeen") is a small self published mini magazine of original or borrowed text or images.  It is a non-commercial publication reproduced by photocopying, targeting a small minority’s interest. The name itself is an abbreviation of the word fanzine or magazine. Zine’s have been around since the 1970’s, but never became very popular until further into the 1970’s when the punk scene exploded.  

There is even such a thing as an E-Zine, which is very similar to a blog in that they both target a small minority. The main difference between the two is that E-Zines require that you subscribe to view the content, while blog content can be viewed without a subscription.

There have been a few Zine’s that have ended up becoming mainstream commercial publications, such as:

Giant robot
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Dazed and confused
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Eco Freindly Fashion completed outfit

As I told you in the post before, our class was given the task to research in small groups Eco friendly designers in order to produce an outfit in a "pressure  test" situation. Our group researched Gary Harvey an Eco friendly designer and former creative director for Levis Europe. 

The following our photos of our finished outfit,

All up the finished outfit was constructed from 7 white garbage bags, 10 black garbage bags and undefined number of bubble gum wrappers.

Here is a photo of our classes work currently on display in the library, aren't they all unique and stunning :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eco Freindly Fashion designers

Over the last two weeks, our class was given the task of researching in small groups Eco friendly designers in order to produce an outfit in a “pressure test” situation (I will post photos of our groups finished outfit later on)

Our group decided to research Gary Harvey, former creative director for Levis Europe and now one of the leading designers pioneering Eco fashion.Gary Harvey uses a wide range of recycled clothing and mass produced items to create stunningly beautiful dresses that are one of kind.

Dress constructed from 30 copies of the 'Financial Times'.
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 dress constructed from cans, bottle tops and small cardboard boxes.
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Dress constructed from 28 army jackets in various shades of green.
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Dress constructed from 21 checkered laundry bags.
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Dress constructed from 18 trench coats.
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For more information about Gary Harvey's work please visit his website at this Link 
and to see our groups completed outfit based on the research we did on Gary Harvey follow this link.